Five little gingerbread men lying on a tray.
One jumped up and ran away, shouting,
"Run, Run as fast as you can. You can't catch me.
I'm the gingerbread man".
Continue with 4, 3, 2, 1
I traced my gingerbread men from a paper template onto felt, then cut them out. Then I glued SMALL googly eyes on them and drew a smile with a permanent marker. My son likes to do the story on the floor. We do the first part and when they run away, he takes one, makes the gingerbread man run, and puts it behind my back. To add more math in, I ask him how many are left and we count down each time (4, 3, 2, 1).
I adapted the story from this website:
and from the book, The Gingerbread Man by Karen Schmidt.
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