I cut out 3 gingerbread men shapes. We used cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and ginger. This is messy. First, Andrew squeezed glue onto the gingerbread men. Then we sprinkled the spices on. In order to conserve my spices and to keep down the mess, I put tape over most of the holes on the spices. When we had a pile of spices on the table, I scraped them into a bowl and he was able to practice scooping and pouring.
Hand/Eye Coordination - putting the glue just where they want it, pouring the spices just where they want them, and if they are scooping and pouring - that is a pretty involved skill for a little guy.
Fine Motor Development - It takes a lot of strength to squeeze out the glue
Science - smelling different spices and watching them stick to the glue.
Vocabulary Development - gingerbread men, spices, glue
Math - Recognizing 3, counting to 3 (Depending on your child's age)
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